Short and sweet folks!

Sorry its been a month, all I can say is its the kids fault.

But, then isn't it always their fault?!?

Storm has had a rash of illness/reactions that have had me at the doctors more than I care to be.

I slept through Thanksgiving; some stomach bug that made nausea a REALLY bad word in my book. No turkey. No sides. No nuttin' honey. I was fine long enough to put all of my dishes together before leaving for my in-laws. The ride up was hideous for me; I was more than just car-sick, and the ride on New England roads is rough, to say the least. Laid down IMMEDIATELY after arriving, and wasn't visible till 1/2 hour before everyone left. Sucked donkey dick.

My car still has something off, but with Storm's issues, no time to drop it off to get checked. Maybe next week?

Ok, off to the bank, off to get groceries and if I'm lucky, out with the girls tonight. No alcohol, but out.

I'm so glad everyone's day was fairly good - and here's to another year for thanks.
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